Einträge von Sascha Mann

Sebastian attending the xCreators‘ Lab in Munic

From 23rd to 27th July 2018 Sebastian Brauneis was invited to join the Creative Europe Media initiative xR Creators’ Lab to disucuss  newest developments and state of the art producing virtual reality content with leading global players such as Paul Raphaël (Felix & Paul Studios), Michel Reilhac (Venice Biennale VR, Submarine Channel VR) and many […]

Something’s going on …

… watch out! #arthurschnitzler #theater #kuk #zeichenderzeit #historyrepeating #wien #drama #newtechnology #dramatischekuenste #urkonflikt1914 #wien1900 #1900 #pazifismus #kriegsbegeisterung #europaamabgrund #duell #ehrenkodex #massenpsychose